Happy New Year!

Happy 2014!

Happy 2014!

Happy New Year, everyone.
A new year is always exciting. A clean state. A new start. Or maybe just a continuation of things already forming and molding and becoming.
I have known for some time that January is going to be a challenging month for me. And I am trying to not freak out about it and go with the flow (which is not typical for me and may not last passed today).
Work will be a new adventure as our teams/staff are changing; yoga teacher training is ramping up with new projects and tasks along with the continuation of classes and an intensive weekend at the end of the month; a visit to Tucson mid-month to see family and a few friends.
Yea, it will be busy. But nothing I can’t handle. Right?
I have decided for at least the temporary to discontinue the Go Fit Girl! Monthly Challenges. I know many of you really like them. But there is little participation (at least with the posting on the blog and Facebook page), myself included, and they are rather time-consuming. And with school time increasing in 2014 I have to reevaluate and alter things in my life.
But there will still be challenges. The page has a newish name: Go Fit Girl! Challenges. I may post a daily, weekly or monthly challenge. And I encourage other readers to do the same. If you want to challenge others to drink so much water in a day or week, post it. If you want to do a jumping jack challenge, post it. If I want to challenge myself and others to take 5 minutes a day to just sit and reflect and do nothing, I will post it.
You get the idea, right?
I am not a big believer in New Year’s Resolutions … well, because they just don’t stick. Let’s continue down our healthy path into 2014 and beyond.
My goal is to still post frequently on the blog. Since starting school I committed to posting three times a week. I think I have done that every week for four months except for last week. I hope to keep the three times a week up. But I know that that won’t always happen.
I look forward to what 2014 brings for myself in many aspects of my life, but especially with my yoga teacher training. Here’s to Go Fit Girl’s supporters, readers and friends!