The BIG decision


My friend and co-worker gave me this beautiful necklace. I work with some amazing and caring people and I will miss seeing them on a daily basis.

Near the end of my yoga teacher training we did a fantasy exercise. We pretended that we were at a reunion together a year later and we talked about what we had done over the past year since graduation.
Baxter said if you said it out loud and as if you had actually done it it would make it more real. He also advised us to write a letter to ourselves to read in a year, which I did.
One of the things I said at “the reunion” was that I had quit my job.
I have done a lot of thinking and have made a big decision in my life.
I recently gave notice of resignation and my last day is mid-month.
I need some time for me. For my own self-care. My goal is to take care of me right now.
And to explore this new gig I have as a yoga teacher. I have taken on yoga classes as a sub at a gym and am working on a few more options. (I would also love to spend more time working on this blog.)
I will also work with friends and family on one-on-one private yoga sessions. And if you’re a friend or family member you can get the Friends and Family discount. Send e-mails to
I recently had breakfast with my friend Dan, who was in town from Oregon. I have known Dan for about 15 years. Dan attended the yoga class I taught with my friend Sandra at Piedmont at the end of July.
As Dan and I were sipping our coffee and eating breakfast he told me that he remembered when I wanted to be a teacher. And that I am a natural when teaching yoga. Thanks, Dan.
I had forgotten about that passion I had at one point to be a teacher. I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. But with how the world has become I lost that passion as I knew it would be too hard and very unfulfilling for me with all the complications of life, budgets, different ways kids learn, too many kids in one class, not being fully prepared, not having enough support …
I want to find passion in what I do and enjoy it. I am a people person and enjoy helping others. And I think I am pretty good at teaching and teaching yoga.
I looked back at the post I wrote a little more than a year ago, Do you want to be happy?
A year ago I said: Basically I am happy. But I continue to work and strive for more. I am working to make myself content and happy and to be fulfilled.
This was right before a lot of changes happened in my life and right before I started my yoga teacher training. Wow, a year later and my life has changed so much.
I do believe everything happens for a reason.
I will miss my friends and co-workers at work. But this is my time to get back to being a better and happier me.