Getting back in the exercise routine

My plan (after being gone from the gym for 5 weeks: getting sick and then being on vacation) this week was to immediately get back into my regular workout routine. Not sure why I thought that would happen. I guess I was hoping it would since I knew it would help with the jet lag.
I went to spin on Monday. I didn’t work that day. Paid bills, ran errands, did laundry, etc. Didn’t get back to the gym until Saturday (long h0urs at work got in the way of my gym time) for my regular two hours of spin; abs; body conditioning. I was planning to go to the gym this morning. I started to feel sore last night from class and then this morning … OUCH!
Curt and I put our garden in today. That was a major workout in itself. Curt shovels the dirt in the garden and I hoe it. Hoeing is hard work.
The plan is to get back into the workout routine this week. Then I will slowly tackle the calorie intake. That got way out of control while on vacation. So much good food and beer and wine. Not sure if my walking a lot helped at all. I have been too scared and busy to check the scale.