Heading back toward healthy lifestyle
Today I got back to a complete healthy lifestyle with exercise as a regular thing and tracking my food again.
Since Wednesday I have worked out every day: yoga or spin with a little abs and body conditioning thrown in on Saturday.
And today I started tracking my food again. I didn’t weigh myself today so I am not sure how many pounds I need to lose to get back to my goal weight. I should weigh in tomorrow and will have a better idea of the road ahead.
I am tracking food on my own and don’t have all the information on the Points Plus program. So on the old points plan … with my points today I was still able to include a glass of wine with dinner tonight. Oh yea!
I have to say I had to use a lot of willpower today to stay on track with food. If I really wanted to eat something I would eat a piece of fruit, some carrots or chew on a piece of sugar-free gum. But I am proud to say I stayed on track all day.