Dinner tonight was a tuna salad with tomato and mushrooms with seasonings. The salad came from Safeway and our garden.
Today at work we had an early Fourth of July barbecue. As I have been trying to limit my caloric intake and bringing my own breakfast and lunch to work this week I didn’t want to fall off the wagon on Day 4.
I brought my own bread. (I have been known to go to barbecues with my own bread and portobello mushroom.) I brought a Sandwich Thin with me.
I was careful with my choices at the barbecue buffet. I had a little helping of coleslaw and potato salad. I grabbed a huge portobello mushroom, a slice of cheese, onions and a little barbecue sauce. I did grab a cornbread muffin. For dessert I skipped the pie, ice cream and bread pudding and went with a piece of watermelon.
I planned to take a photo of my not so unhealthy barbecue plate. I didn’t remember until my plate was empty. Woopsie!
I was a little late to my 6:30 p.m. spin class at the gym tonight. But I still made it. I needed a good workout as my points were pretty much depleted throughout the day, despite my careful efforts at the barbecue.
Tonight for dinner I made a filling and pretty tasty tuna salad. I added a tomato from our garden to the salad along with some seasonings and a mushroom. The salad came from Safeway and our garden.
I like to find easy, inexpensive and healthy ways for my meals and snacks. Sometimes just making the little changes can make a big difference. Thinking and planning ahead can also make a difference. A little planning and knowledge making eating (and eating out) so much less scary.