Back to my yoga practice

I was so happy to get back to yoga tonight. We did a few high lunges while focusing on the head and neck tonight.

I was not happy to go to work today. I am not quite sure why. Maybe it was Monday. Maybe because the past few days I slept in rather late for me. But I had quite the attitude today.
A little after 4 p.m. I wandered down to the area where we wait for the work shuttle. Two co-workers were already there and asked if I wanted to ride back to Emeryville with them. (You need at least three in a car to qualify for carpool.) I said sure and the three of us were off. The traffic was light and we got back rather quickly, which meant I ended up at home about 5.
I had plenty of time to get my clothes picked out and ironed for tomorrow. I also had time to pack my lunch for tomorrow and eat an apple without having to scarf it down.
And then I walked to the yoga studio to take 6 p.m. Hatha class with Baxter. It was my first day back to any sort of exercise in two weeks. And Baxter’s class was a great way to kick off my yoga practice and exercise to get me back on track.
After I got back from class I showered and heating up the carrot and tomato soup I made over the weekend and poured it over brown rice. It was delicious and filling.
Now I have time to finish blogging and relax a little before bed. I am watching the second half of last night’s Downton Abbey as I fell asleep before it was over. I just can’t stay up that late on a school night.
So in the end a bleh day turned into a pretty good one.