Find your edge in yoga

Find your edge. Listen to your body. No pain no gain. Which one doesn’t belong (in yoga)?
Today my yoga teacher Sarah told us to find our edge and also to listen to our bodies. In yoga you find your edge and then back off a little. You should only do what your body is capable of. You definitely want to challenge and continue improving. But you don’t want to hurt yourself.
I love my cardio, too. But the attitude is so different.
As I continue to be crazy busy at work I am making it even more of a priority to attend classes at the gym. My goal is 6 times a week. But that isn’t always realistic. I don’t like to work out less than 4 times a week. It keeps me healthy and keeps me sane.
I started tracking my food/calories on Monday. We’ll see how that affects my weigh-in on Monday.